3 Ways Transcription Helps Your Marketing Research
Market research transcription is an important part of a research study! Whether transcripts are in WORD you are working from your company format or one of the six formats that Focus Forward offers, or you need an API to a platform or Automation, your transcripts will be helping you get to the insights of your research.
Here are 3 ways transcription can improve your market research!
#1. Saves Time and Productivity
Marketing research transcription will save you significant time in viewing the footage or recordings to locating the perfect quote in your focus groups, IDIS and all types of interviews. The researcher’s time is at a premium to the cost of a transcript and transcripts have many very low-cost options. This transcript roadmap supports faster insights and access to what is ideal for the client report. Transcripts save time, budget, and increase the researcher’s productivity which means better and faster results. No matter how you conduct your qualitative research, our team will create the user-friendly format.
#2. Cost-Effective
In line with saving time, transcripts save budget overall. Regardless of the qualitative approach, research has many hours of interviews in a group, IDI, TDI which happen in person or virtual formats. When a full service firm or moderator has the research transcribed, fewer researcher hours are need on the project, and that budget can be allocated elsewhere or saved. Outsourcing transcription needs can increase productivity by reducing the time of your internal team.
#3. Captioning Video Marketing Content
Not only can you transcribe data on paper, but you can also apply the words to multimedia formats like video and audio. Video captioning may make your video clips as part of your presentation more robust for your client.
Improve Your Market Research With Team Focus Forward!
Save time and a dime with Team Focus Forward to boost the efficiency of your market research! We can handle your market research, medical, legal, business, academic, production, audio, video, and podcast transcription with ease. Contact us today to learn how we can help!